The outcomes of the sixth review of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (commonly referred to as the 2022 Harmonized System) will commence on 1 January 2022.
Implementing the 2022 Harmonized System will require amendments to the:
Customs Tariff Act 1995
Customs Act 1901
- Customs Tariff Regulations 2004
- Customs Regulation 2015.
We will also update the Combined Australia Customs Tariff Nomenclature and Statistical Classification (the Working Tariff) and departmental systems.
The amendments to the
Customs Tariff Act 1995 will also affect:
- tariff advices
- tariff public advice products
- tariff concession orders.
We will add updates here as the implementation of the 2022 Harmonized System progresses.
Customs Notices
The Assistant Minister for Customs, Community Safety and Multicultural Affairs introduced the legislative amendments to implement the 2022 Harmonized System into the House of Representatives on 23 June 2021. The bills passed Parliament on 26 August 2021 and received the Royal Assent on 2 September 2021. The bills, as passed by Parliament, and the explanatory memoranda are in the table below.
You can follow the progress of the bills through the
Parliament of Australia website.
The amendment regulations were made by the Federal Executive Council on 16 December 2021. The regulations and the explanatory memoranda are in the table below.
World Customs Organization Concordance Table I
World Customs Organization Concordance Table II
Australian Eight Digit Concordance for the 2022 Harmonized System
Combined Australian Customs Tariff Nomenclature and Statistical Classification (Working Tariff) Update Pages
The documents in the table below are working tariff page updates containing the new notes, classifications and statistical codes that commence on 1 January 2022.
Documents will be added once they are finalised. The Online Tariff pages will update on 1 January 2022, until then they will continue to show the 2017 nomenclature.
Tariff Advices
Tariff Advices affected by the 2022 Harmonized System Changes will be voided.
Status of Tariff Advices
Tariff Concession Orders
Tariff Concession Orders affected by the 2022 Harmonized System Changes will be revoked or revoked and remade as outlined in the concordance.
Tariff Concession Orders concordance
Tariff Precedents
Tariff Precedents affected by the 2022 Harmonized System Changes will be voided, reissued or amended.
A list of current tariff classification precedents is available on our
Tariff Public Advice Products page.
You can send any questions regarding the implementation of the 2022 Harmonized System to