

SmartGates are an automated border control point. SmartGates use facial recognition technology and your ePassport to check your identity. It is a quick and secure way to enter Australia.

Icon of a person holding up a passport to a screen. Text to the right "SmartGate Automated Passport Control"

​​​​​​​A​rrivals SmartGates are a 2 Step Process.

Travellers will present their passport and face to a SmartGate Kiosk, then move through the airport to a SmartGate for facial recognition and identity confirmation.

Arrivals SmartGates are at Australia's major international airports:

  • Adelaide
  • Brisbane
  • Cairns
  • Darwin
  • Gold Coast
  • Melbourne
  • Perth
  • Sydney
Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney have additional SmartGate kiosks in the arrivals concourse. ​