
Can you bring it in?

A guide to what you can and can't bring in to the country​​​​​​.​ When you’re travelling overseas​ or importing items, you need to know that some items can’t be brought back with you and for others you need to get permission.

Duty free


Don't go over your duty free limits:

General Goods: adults - AUD900, kids - AUD450, Alcohol - 2.25 litres, Tobacco - 25 cigarettes or 25g tobacco.

There may be airline rules about cabin or hold baggage or aviation safety laws that mean you can’t take certain items in the cabin or on the plane.

Travelling with family

Families coming back to Australia on the same flight or voyage may combine (pool) their individual duty-free concession limits. To do this, families must stay together when going through Customs clearance.

A family includes a person and his or her de facto partner (including same-sex couples) and any of their children under 18 years of age or a husband and wife, and any of their children.

For example, a family of two adults and two children would have a combined duty free allowance of AUD 2700.


If in doubt, always declare. Penalties may apply if goods are not declared.


If you bring in more than your duty-free allowance for general goods, you’ll need to pay duty on all your general goods not just on the excess.

The same goes for alcohol and tobacco/cigarettes.

For a detailed explanation of the duty-free concession application see:

Duty-free concession

Common items

See common duty free items.