
Maritime Border Command


Maritime Border Command supports whole of Australian Government efforts to protect Australian national interests. We coordinate and execute civil maritime security operations in order to deter, detect and respond to illegal activities within the Australian maritime domain.

Maritime Border Command

Here in Maritime Border Command (MBC), our mission is to support whole of Australian Government efforts to protect Australian national interests by coordinating and executing civil maritime security operations in order to deter, detect and respond to illegal activities within the Australian maritime domain.

To achieve this, Maritime Border Command works collaboratively with key international and domestic partners to advance civil maritime security outcomes which reinforce the Global Rules Based Order and further Australia’s National Interests.

MBC is comprised of both Australian Border Force and Australian Defence Force personnel and assets, delivering Australia’s Civil Maritime Enforcement function.

Australia’s coastline is 37,000km long and its Exclusive Economic Zone is larger in size than mainland Australia. Our Security Forces Authority Area, in which Australia is responsible under international convention for Piracy, Robbery or Violence at Sea, is 47 million km2, or 11 percent of the Earth’s surface.

The 8 civil maritime threats to the Australian Maritime Domain are outlined in the Australian Government Civil Maritime Security Strategy and are:

Unauthorised Maritime Arrivals, In support of Operation Sovereign Borders, Maritime Border Command coordinates aerial surveillance and maritime patrols to detect and intercept Suspected Illegal Entry Vessels, and return the people aboard to their country of departure or country of origin. The safety of Australian Government officers and those on intercepted vessels is a paramount consideration during all operations, which are conducted in accordance with international obligations and domestic law.

Prohibited Imports and Exports, including the trafficking or transhipment of narcotics, precursor chemicals, weapons, live animals, biological material and items identified as controlled exports to meet Australia’s non-proliferation commitments.

The Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resource, includes illegal fishing by both foreign and Australian flagged vessels within the exclusive economic zone.

Illegal Activity in Protected Areas, such as protected areas within designated marine reserves, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, designated Underwater Cultural Heritage sites, safety zones declared around Australia’s offshore oil and gas infrastructure, and protected zones declared around submerged pipelines and cables.

Compromises to Biosecurity that could introduce marine or land pests, diseases, and viruses.

Maritime Terrorism, including incidents considered to be of terrorist intent that manifest either in, or through, Australia’s maritime jurisdiction.

Piracy, Robbery or Violence at Sea, includes profit-motivated illegal activities undertaken against vessels, infrastructure, or individuals at sea, in either an organised or an opportunistic manner.

Marine Pollution, such as marine spills and discharges, illegal sea-dumping, marine obstructions or marine debris including discarded fishing nets.

My job as the Commander of Maritime Border Command is to lead and direct assets and people from many different agencies, on water, land and in the air to protect this vast and expansive environment. Our assets, both manned and unmanned patrol the Australian Maritime Domain 24 hours a day for 365 days a year. I am proud to lead the unique, dynamic and committed people who work tirelessly to protect Australia’s sovereignty and natural resources.