
Immigration detention in Australia

We treat all people in detention with respect, dignity and fairness. While in an immigration detention facility, we provide appropriate food, medical, recreational and other support services, including mental health services.

You may be able to apply online to visit an immigration detention facility. ​


Adelaide Immigration Detention Centre
55–65 Garland Avenue
Kilburn SA 5084
Telephone: 08 8425 8103
**Email: aita.visits@serco-ap.com
Brisbane Immigration Detention Centre
100 Sugarmill Road
Pinkenba QLD 4008
Telephone: 07 3637 9100
**Email: bita.visits@serco-ap.com
Melbourne Immigration Detention Centre
120–150 Camp Road
Broadmeadows VIC 3047
Reception telephone: 03 9280 6100
Visitor information telephone: 03 9280 6120
**Email: dl_mitavisitapplications@serco-ap.com
North West Point (Christmas Island) Immigration Detention Centre
Murray Road, North West Point
Christmas Island, WA 6798
Telephone: 08 9164 7032
Email:  DL_XMSVisits@serco-ap.com
Perth Immigration Detention Centre
4 McComb Road
Redcliffe WA 6104
Telephone: 08 6151 9616
Email: pidc.visits@serco-ap.com
Villawood Immigration Detention Centre
15 Birmingham Avenue
Villawood NSW 2163
Telephone: 02 9780 9220
Email: vidfvisitorbookings@serco-ap.com
Yongah Hill Immigration Detention Centre
Mitchell Avenue
Northam WA 6401
Telephone: 08 9621 7000
Email: yongahhill.visits@serco-ap.com

**The email addresses for AIDC, BIDC and MIDC will be updated in the coming weeks. Please check our website regularly for these changes. Thank you for your patience.