Consistent with our Industry Engagement Strategy 2020 (Trade, Customs and Traveller), the Department of Home Affairs (the Department) and Australian Border Force (ABF) are focussed on working with industry to improve voluntary compliance within the trade and customs environment.
The CAG is a collaborative forum for Government and industry to co-design solutions for trade and goods compliance issues.
The CAG membership is comprised of representatives from the Department, ABF and voluntary members from industry.
Industry membership consists of association and non-association members. Association members have ongoing membership, where as non-association members are appointed for a two year period.
Industry members include representatives from the Customs Brokers and Forwarders Council of Australia, the Freight and Trade Alliance, the Australian Federation of International Forwarders, the Export Council of Australia and the Council of Asia Pacific Express Carriers, as well as ten non-association members.
Terms of Reference
CAG Terms of Reference
Further enquiries
For any enquiries about the CAG, email industryengagement@homeaffairs.gov.au.